Take your next step
We Buy Houses In Any Condition
No Fees, No Repairs, No Hassles & No Stress
Let us know about your situation and how we can help. Just click the button to fill out a brief form, and our team will reach out.
Our team will contact you to confirm some details about the property, make sure we understand the situation and see what the best solution is. We will present a fair, no hassle, as-is cash offer.
Once accepted, we will walk you through the steps needed to close, and we can close on your time!
People First
Sell Quickly
No Repairs
No Fees
About Next Step Home Solutions
With Next Step Home Solutions, you can sell your house fast without having to worry about the condition of your home or the situation you may be facing because we buy houses regardless of the condition your house is in OR the situation you may be facing.
We’re not here to judge. When you reach out, we want to listen to your story about what’s going on, see how we can help you and give you clear action steps that’ll help de-stress the situation a bit (at least that’s what our goals are!)
Below is a list of scenarios or situations we’ve helped folks through! So if you see what you’re going through listed below, there’s a pretty good chance we can help!
- Going through a divorce
- Upside down or behind on your mortgage
- Owe back taxes or have liens on your house
- Have a fire or water damaged house
- Wanting to avoid realtor commissions
- Own a vacant house
- Something else?